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Featured LETTAC Clearinghouse
Resource Selections
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Honoring a Survivor's Unique Human Trafficking Experience
33 minutes
Time length: 33 minutes
Savannah Sanders joins the Patchwork podcast to share how she applies what she learned about her life as a victim of human trafficking to help others who have been trafficked.
Center on Victimization and Safety (CVS)
CVS enhances preventing and addressing interpersonal violence and related crimes, fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration and promoting policies and practices that hold abusers accountable, prioritize safety, and also help survivors heal.
National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC)
The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit provides technical assistance and training on protection orders, the Full Faith and Credit provision of the VAWA, and inter-jurisdictional enforcement of protection orders.
National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative (NDVFRI)
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
NDVFRI provides technical assistance in reviewing domestic violence related deaths to prevent them in the future, preserve battered women's safety, and hold accountable perpetrators and agencies/organizations that come into contact with the parties.
National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
2 hours
Time length: 2 hours
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) is a national information clearinghouse and resource center for missing, unidentified, and unclaimed person cases across the United States.
National Public Safety Partnership (PSP)
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
PSP was established by DOJ to provide an innovative framework to enhance federal support of state, local, and tribal law enforcement and prosecution authorities to enhance public safety and build capacity to address violent crime challenges.
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms (which includes the Safer Families, Safer Communities project) is the first-ever website wholly dedicated to addressing the role of firearms and domestic violence.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
NSVRC provides information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence; translates research and trends into best practices; promotes informed reporting by the media; and leads April's Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Sexual Assault Justice Initiative (SAJI)
2 hours
Time length: 2 hours
The goal of SAJI is to develop and implement a set of performance measures for sexual assault prosecutions, targeting accountability-related outputs and outcomes such as appropriateness of sentence, support for victims, and victim satisfaction.
Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC)
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
SPARC provides education and resources about the crime of stalking to enhance the response to stalking by educating the professionals tasked with keeping stalking victims safe and holding offenders accountable.
Resource Sharing Project Helps Those Impacted By Sexual Assault
29 seconds
Time length: 29 seconds
This podcast features Kris Bein and Monika Johnson Hostler who work as part of the national Resource Sharing Project to support coalitions serving victims of sexual assault.
Foundations of SA Investigation for the Rural Officer-Online Training
10 hours
Time length: 10 hours
This course provides rural law enforcement executives and investigators with the knowledge, skills, and resources for establishing a victim-centered response as part of an effective investigation.
Roll Call Training: Strangulation Investigations
35 minutes
Time length: 35 minutes
This training explores strangulation as a part of domestic violence in response to the imperative that our criminal justice system has the training and tools to hold society’s most dangerous offenders accountable.
The National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Website
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
SAKI provides funding through a competitive grant program to support the jurisdictional reform of approaches to sexual assault cases resulting from evidence found in sexual assault kits that have never been submitted to a crime laboratory.
SAKI - Multidisciplinary Team Leaders Website
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
This pre-packaged briefcase offers a comprehensive set of tools covering multiple topic areas for multidisciplinary team leads, Sexual Assault Response Teams, and other groups focused on improving the response to sexual assault.
Law Enforcement Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Accountability
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
This document helps law enforcement agencies work collaboratively with agency personnel, community partners, and legal counsel to develop their own agency-specific policy to address sexual misconduct committed by sworn and civilian personnel.
Firearm Divestiture Program in Louisiana
20 minutes
Time length: 20 minutes
This success story features Lieutenant Valerie Martinez-Jordan of the Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, Sheriff’s Office and her efforts to separate individuals with records of domestic violence from their firearms to prevent future bloodshed.
The National Domestic Violence Prosecution Best Practices Guide
2 hours
Time length: 2 hours
This is intended as a living document highlighting current best practices in the prosecution of domestic violence, inspired by the NDAA's Women Prosecutors Section and National Symposium on the Prosecution of Domestic Violence Cases.
Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution Best Practices Guide
1 hour, 15 minutes
Time length: 1 hour, 15 minutes
The National Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution Best Practices Guide is a living document highlighting current best practices in the investigation and prosecution of Sexual Assault.
The National Human Trafficking Prosecution Best Practices Guide
2 hours, 15 minutes
Time length: 2 hours, 15 minutes
The National Human Trafficking Prosecution Best Practices Guide is a living document highlighting current best practices in the prosecution of human trafficking.
TTA Flyers for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors Serving Immigrants
30 minutes
Time length: 30 minutes
This resource, developed by the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP), provides information regarding training and technical assistance for professionals serving immigrant and refugee women and children.
DOJ's Tribal Consultation on Violence Against AI/AN
This online resource highlights the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tribal Consultation on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women activities for the years 2016-2021 and includes reports, agendas, framing papers, and recommendations.
OVW's Tribal Affairs Division
This page details OVW's grant programs and other resources designed to develop the nation's capacity to reduce domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking by strengthening services to victims and holding offenders accountable.
American Indian/Alaska Native Health Resources
Intimate partner violence poses a significant health threat across Indian Country. Increasingly, health care professionals recognize that it is a major public health problem. Visit for promising practices, tools, and resources for AI/AN communities.
A DV Court Planning Road Map: The Tulalip Tribes’ Experience
20 minutes
Time length: 20 minutes
This publication details the initial planning stages of the Tulalip Tribes of Washington in developing a designated Domestic Violence Court to process all domestic violence cases in the tribal community.
Engaging Men and Children as Allies in Ending Gender-Based Violence
14 minutes, 1 second
Time length: 14 minutes, 1 second
Kellie Greene, a program specialist at OVW, shares how her program seeks to engage children and men as allies in ending gender-based violence.
The Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission: A National Model
40 minutes
Time length: 40 minutes
This white paper reviews the development, implementation, and assessment of the site-based trainings on which the National Homicide Review Training and Technical Assistance Project: Homicide Review Training Manual is based.
National Homicide Review TTA Project: MHRC Training Manual
1 hour, 30 minutes
Time length: 1 hour, 30 minutes
This training manual lays out a series of steps, grouped into ten modules for law enforcement and community service agencies to follow in creating homicide review commissions in their own communities.
BJA Programs that Support Law Enforcement
45 minutes
Time length: 45 minutes
This flyer outlines programs funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) that support law enforcement. Links to the program descriptions are included as well as to associated FY2022 funding opportunities, if applicable.
Improving LEA's Response to DVSA by Preventing Gender Bias
In 2022, DOJ released this updated guidance to help law enforcement agencies recognize, mitigate, and prevent gender bias and other bias from compromising the response to, and investigation of, SA, DV, and other forms of gender-based violence.
NRCDV's DVAM 2022 Resources: #1Thing
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
The Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP), a project of the NRCDV, developed a unified message and action guide: #1Thing. One person’s actions may seem insignificant, but together a communities' collective “#1Things” can lead to transformation.
Military OneSource DVAM 2022 Resource Guide: #UnitedAgainstDA
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
This year’s campaign seeks to support victims with a clear message: If you are experiencing abuse in your relationship, you don't have to face it alone. Learn about your local Family Advocacy Program and other resources available to you.
Office on Violence Against Women - Local Resources Map
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
If you are in immediate danger, call 911. The Office on Violence Against Women does not provide services directly to the general public. Find local help by clicking on our local resources map or calling one of the national hotlines.
NCVC's Victim Assistance to Support Tribes Website
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
The Victim Assistance to Support Tribes Center is an extension of NCVC's mission to include our Indigenous Partners in hopes to expand services of victims and survivors which may be overlooked and underserved in Indigenous communities.
HBCUs: Tips for Applying for and Using OVW Grant Awards
20 minutes
Time length: 20 minutes
In this podcast episode, OVW grant specialist Jessica Neal interviews Dorian Johnson, a former project director at Spelman College, to discuss the importance of OVW’s grants for HBCUs, as well as tips for applying for and using OVW grant awards.
Teen Dating Violence: Support for Judges & Other Professionals
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
This publication by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges explores the issue of teen dating violence, how to support LGBTQIA+ teens experiencing dating violence, and practical considerations for judges and courtroom personnel.
Identify & Respond to Stalking: Resources for Law Enforcement
1 hour
Time length: 1 hour
These trainings and publications by the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC) of Aequitas can assist law enforcement in their identification of and response to stalking crimes.
Identify Stalking: Resources for Judicial Officers
These resources by the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC) of Aequitas can help judicial officers use concrete knowledge of stalking behaviors and how they relate to other crimes to better identify stalking in any type of case.
Webinars: Trauma-Informed Advocacy for Trafficking Survivors
1 hour, 30 minutes
Time length: 1 hour, 30 minutes
This is a collection of Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence (API-GBV) webinars highlighting survivor-centered, trauma-informed advocacy for trafficking survivors.
Trafficking 101: Statistics, Resources, and Helplines
30 minutes
Time length: 30 minutes
This Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence website defines trafficking, sex trafficking, domestic minor sex trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation of children. It offers trafficking statistics, resources, and helplines.
TA Brief: Trauma-Informed Advocacy for Trafficking Survivors
30 minutes
Time length: 30 minutes
This TA Brief addresses the complexity of advocacy for survivors of trafficking. Topics include definitions; analysis/root causes; trauma-informed advocacy, endangerment, and confidentiality; and considerations/recommendations at points of contact.
Intersections of Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault
45 minutes
Time length: 45 minutes
This report integrates expertise from advocates and survivors that can serve as a primer for program design for victims of trafficking; forge collaborations; expand the field’s knowledge of trauma; and inform safety, healing, and empowerment.
Combating Trafficking in Persons: U.S. Department of Defense Resources
5 minutes
Time length: 5 minutes
This Department of Defense website includes human trafficking training, a parent resource guide, a student guide to preventing human trafficking, and survivor accounts published by the Combating Trafficking in Persons Program Management Office.
Human Trafficking: Campus Law Enforcement Training Videos
7 minutes
Time length: 7 minutes
Explore these human trafficking campus law enforcement training videos by the Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign, a national public awareness campaign. Learn how to recognize and respond to human trafficking as campus law enforcement.
Webinar: Combating Human Trafficking in Tribal Communities
50 minutes
Time length: 50 minutes
This U.S. Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign webinar explores how trafficking uniquely impacts Tribal communities and explains how to better recognize and respond to Tribal victims of human trafficking.
Webinar: A SANE Approach to Human Trafficking Cases
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) are invaluable collaborative partners in a prosecutor’s response to human trafficking. SANEs provide much-needed medical care and enhance investigations and prosecutions when included on multidisciplinary teams.
Webinar: Intimate Partner Human Trafficking
1 hour, 30 minutes
Time length: 1 hour, 30 minutes
This webinar will teach you to investigate and prosecute crimes of intimate partner human trafficking and recognize the methods of control used by these offenders, which are uniquely manipulative and difficult to identify.
Improving Bruise Detection with Alternate Light
5 minutes
Time length: 5 minutes
This article explores the research of Katherine Scafide, PhD, a former forensic nurse examiner and now an assistant professor at George Mason University, on the use of alternate light sources to more accurately detect bruising across all skin tones.
Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Human Trafficking
15 minutes
Time length: 15 minutes
This Justice Today podcast episode, hosted by the National Institute of Justice, discusses research on human trafficking that is helping victims and developing tools and information to help better understand, prevent, and respond to trafficking.
Stalking & Post-Separation Abuse: The Connection Between Stalking & DV
1 hour, 10 minutes
Time length: 1 hour, 10 minutes
This podcast addresses stalking as a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person. It causes a person to fear for their safety or the safety of others.
Proactive Police Response to Domestic-Related Repeat Calls for Service
Domestic violence is a pervasive concern for the community and police. Research shows that when police can intervene during early stages of emotional, verbal, or physical abuse, this is critical to preventing violence.
Demystifying Digital Safety & Empowering Survivors of Abuse
In this podcast, Adam Dodge exposes the danger of living in an online world while demystifying the process of creating a digital safety plan, collecting evidence of tech abuse, and how one might create a legal system that properly investigates.
Men with More: Educating Young Men to Lead the Culture Shift
This podcast addresses gender-based violence and human trafficking directly with young men. In this episode, Matt Osborne explains the magnitude of the problems of human trafficking, objectification of women, and pornography addiction.
Human Trafficking and Intimate Partner Violence Webinar Series
3 hours
Time length: 3 hours
This webinar series addresses the intersectionality of human trafficking and intimate partner violence, the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, complexity in identification and victim disclosure, and trauma-informed services/support.
U Visa & Language Access: Immigrant Victims & the Justice System
This resource, developed by the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP), provides tools and trainings for law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and victim advocates serving immigrant survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Navigating the Realties of Mental Health & Substance Use Coercion
38 minutes, 43 seconds
Time length: 38 minutes, 43 seconds
In this podcast, Gabriela Zapata-Alma explores that abuse causes higher risks for both mental health challenges and substance use disorders in victims. The complex pattern of abuse that is coercive control increases these dangers for survivors.
Just Sexual Assault Response in Indigenous Communities
30 minutes, 43 seconds
Time length: 30 minutes, 43 seconds
In this podcast, Just Science interviewed Mark Pooley, creator of Native Search Solutions, to explain how the challenges faced by indigenous communities influence sexual assault investigations.
Just Improved Response to Sexual Assault
43 minutes, 15 seconds
Time length: 43 minutes, 15 seconds
In this podcast, Just Science interviews Dr. Julie L. Valentine, the Associate Dean of the Brigham Young University College of Nursing, to discuss the components of low prosecution rates for sexual assault cases.
Developing and Implementing Your Co-Responder Program
Co-Responder Teams are a tool for law enforcement officers, who are often called upon to respond to people who are having mental health concerns, experiencing homelessness, or who have other health and social service challenges.
SAKI—Bringing Justice to Georgia
24 minutes, 8 seconds
Time length: 24 minutes, 8 seconds
The National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) has played an essential role in obtaining justice for victims of sexual assault nationwide. During this episode, hear how SAKI funding helped the state of Georgia process sexual assault kits.
Shedding Light on Assault
20 minutes, 17 seconds
Time length: 20 minutes, 17 seconds
In this podcast, Maya Pilkington is joined by Dr. Katherine Scafide who shares how her research on detecting bruises and skills as a forensic nurse help pediatric and adult assault domestic violence victims by providing clear documentation.
Improving Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and DV
In this guidance, the reader learns that being aware and mitigating bias in law enforcement response to sexual assault and domestic violence is essential to law enforcement's ability to protect and serve their communities.
New Approaches to Policing High-Risk Intimate Partner Victims
The National Institute of Justice and the Office on Violence Against Women launched the Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Demonstration Initiative to further expand the evidence base about how these models function.
Elevating Survivor Voices in IPV Responses
38 minutes, 28 seconds
Time length: 38 minutes, 28 seconds
This podcast lifts up the voices of Malika Pegues and Jennifer Moston. The two women discuss systematic and complex problems that intimate partner violence survivors often encounter, such as law enforcement, healthcare, and court responses to IPV.
Domestic Violence 101: How Should a Law Enforcement Agency Respond?
A victim-centered and trauma-informed response to domestic violence is essential. This means that officers need to understand that victims of domestic violence can display a wide variety of reactions to the violence; no two victims are the same.
U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence: Strategies for Action
This first-ever U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence by the Government advances an unprecedented and comprehensive approach to preventing and addressing sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, and other forms of violence.
Invisible Women: The Forgotten Victims of Gender-Based Violence
41 minutes, 46 seconds
Time length: 41 minutes, 46 seconds
In this podcast, Becki Kondar, Carlotta Lepingwell, and Stas Moroz have a conversation to discuss how domestic violence can impact a woman's chances for incarceration and how the Women's Prison Project is working to change that.
Elder Abuse Investigations: Training for Law Enforcement
These short e-learning modules will enhance your investigative skills, ensure you work effectively with older victims, and provide tools that can help you play a key role in effectively responding to elder abuse at the local level.
Response to Elder Abuse: Self-Assessment Workbook for Law Enforcement
This self-assessment tool encourages law enforcement and coordinated community responses (CCRs) to candidly and thoughtfully assess their elder abuse work and the processes they use. It helps identify existing practices and introduce new approaches.
IPV Response Policy and Training Content Guidelines
The IACP created this training guidelines to provide essential background material, supporting details, and suggested elements on intimate partner violence in order to support agency development of comprehensive training policy and content.
Successful Trauma Informed Victim Interviewing
Gathering evidence during the investigation of sexual assault crimes is necessary for law enforcement and others in the criminal justice system, such as prosecutors, to ask the victim questions that they may find difficult to answer.
The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Mass Shootings
48 minutes, 43 seconds
Time length: 48 minutes, 43 seconds
Two-thirds of mass shootings in the U.S. are committed by perpetrators with a history of domestic violence. This podcast explores the connection between domestic violence and mass shootings.
Improving Legal Representation for Survivors of Gender-Based Crimes
1 hour, 1 minute, 11 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 1 minute, 11 seconds
In this podcast, the rights for victims and survivors are explained as disproportionately compromised by an overabundance of caseloads, insufficient financial resources, and limited manpower. This can leave victims exposed to injustices and more.
Firearms & Intimate Partner Violence: A Deadly Combination
1 hour, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
This podcast explores intimate partner violence and firearms and how the combination can be deadly for a high percentage of women. Alicia Nichols leads this conversation to identify the links and risks of firearms and IPV.
Evaluating the Spectrum of Denial to Reveal Sexual Offenders
41 minutes, 52 seconds
Time length: 41 minutes, 52 seconds
In this podcast, Dr. Darrell Turner discusses a new approach in detecting truthfulness of denial and the key terms and patterns investigators can look for when assessing the likelihood of a suspect's involvement in crimes of a sexual nature.
Domestic Violence Counts Report National Summary
This publication is the national summary of domestic violence counts. The information gathered is from the National Network to End Domestic Violence, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and NNEDV's WomensLaw Email Hotline.
Agency Self-Assessment Tool for Law Enforcement Victim Support
This publication discusses the Agency Self-Assessment Tool for Law Enforcement Victim Support which is designed to help law enforcement agencies review practices related to victim-focused, trauma-informed practices.
Evidence and Property Management Policy – Template
In this template, law enforcement agencies are being encouraged to expand victim-centered, trauma-informed practices to victims, despite historically focusing on apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, and punishment of offenders.
Reporting to Police: Options & Tips for Being Prepared
It is important for all survivors to feel prepared if they choose to contact law enforcement after an incident. The information in this resource is intended to be a general guideline for speaking with police and making a report.
Realizing the Promise of Crime Victim Compensation
This resource highlights the growing recognition of the unique challenges faced by victims of community violence when accessing Crime Victim Compensation (CVC). This attention has initiated efforts to reform and enhance the program.
This is Where I Learned Not to Sleep
38 minutes
Time length: 38 minutes
This film, with access to emotional police trainings, explores the complicated relationship between police and family violence. Mark Wynn encourages police officers to stop decades of disregard and systemic failures around domestic violence.
Sexual Assault Incident Reports: Investigative Strategies
This report documents guidelines and interview strategies for sexual assault incident investigations and were developed in collaboration with local, state, and federal law enforcement, prosecutors, advocates, and other professionals.
The Developmentally Informed and Trauma Informed Police Officer
59 minutes, 26 seconds
Time length: 59 minutes, 26 seconds
This webinar features law enforcement officers and child trauma experts who give key information about development, the signs/symptoms of acute traumatic stress in children, and strategies for officers to intervene effectively.
Supporting Access to Victims’ Compensation - Investigators’ Role
10 minutes, 39 seconds
Time length: 10 minutes, 39 seconds
This short instructional video describes the role of law enforcement as they connect victims with crime victim compensation programs. This video is tailored to investigators.
Supporting Access to Victims’ Compensation - First Responders’ Role
11 minutes, 39 seconds
Time length: 11 minutes, 39 seconds
This short instructional video describes the role of law enforcement when connecting victims with crime victim compensation programs. This video is tailored to first responders.
Supporting Access to Victims’ Compensation - Law Enforcement Leaders
10 minutes, 55 seconds
Time length: 10 minutes, 55 seconds
This short instructional video describes the role of law enforcement when connecting victims with crime victim compensation programs. This video is tailored to law enforcement leaders.
Body-Worn Cameras and Violence Against Women
46 minutes, 37 seconds
Time length: 46 minutes, 37 seconds
This webinar describes information about the creation of body-worn camera policies and programs which are tailored to intimate partner violence including domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Technology-Facilitated GBV and Abuse: A LETTAC-Compiled Toolkit
3 minutes
Time length: 3 minutes
This LETTAC-compiled toolkit—assembled from the valued activities, expertise, and contributions of fellow OVW training and technical assistance providers as well as other allied professionals—provides a starting point to explore the important topic.
Updates from the Training Institute: Strangulation Prevention Webinar
1 hour, 59 minutes, 9 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 59 minutes, 9 seconds
Presented by Gael Strack, FJ, and Casey Gwinn, JD, this annual webinar is from the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention on “What We Learned in 2022.”
How to Identify the Dominant Aggressor in Strangulation Cases Webinar
1 hour, 38 minutes, 24 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 38 minutes, 24 seconds
Strangulation impacts law enforcement working on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking cases. This webinar discusses the challenge that officers face when determining the predominant aggressor of strangulation cases.
Investigation and Prosecution of Strangulation Cases
This manual discusses strangulation cases and how they require a specialized investigation and multi-disciplinary team. The earlier investigators can intervene and stop a domestic violence strangulation case, the higher the chance to save a life.
Responding to Strangulation Assault: A Video for Law Enforcement
38 minutes, 59 seconds
Time length: 38 minutes, 59 seconds
The purpose of this video is to provide law enforcement with training for the investigation of strangulation assault incidents, how to appropriately respond to victims of strangulation assault, and evidence collection that will assist in prosecution.
Effective Victim Interviewing: Helping Victims
17 hours
Time length: 17 hours
This training module provides an overview of research on trauma and memory, as well as the intricate dynamics of sexual assault. This information can be applied to the practical tasks involved in the immediate response to a sexual assault case.
Gender Bias in Sexual Assault Response and Investigation: Parts 1-4
Published by EVAWI, this four-part training discusses the ideology of gender bias and the resulting stereotypes and attitudes that influence the law enforcement response and investigation of sexual assault.
False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issues to Successfully Investigate SA
5 hours
Time length: 5 hours
This training module was created to intentionally confront the belief that sexual assault reports to law enforcement are false. Using research and data, this training identifies the red flags that commonly raise questions are often the reality of SA.
Preliminary Investigation: Guidelines for First Responders
8 hours
Time length: 8 hours
This training course was created to provide officers and investigators with instructions for their response to allegations of sexual assault, helping the victims, working in tandem with local service agencies, and performing interviews with victims.
Suggested Guidelines on Language Use for Sexual Assault
This resource provides tips and recommendations for language use when referring to sexual assault crimes, describing sexual acts, referring to the victim and perpetrator, and more. The purpose is to create clarity and not perpetuate misinformation.
Trauma-Informed Interviewing and the Criminal Sexual Assault Case
This training gives law enforcement tools for trauma-informed interviewing techniques, reviews the evidence produced from a trauma-informed interview with a SA victim, and explains how the evidence should be used in a SA investigation.
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence
The IACP developed this resource for law enforcement agencies to determine gender bias within their agencies and enhance their responses to gender-based violence. This resource identifies a six-step response to address domestic and sexual violence.
First Responders to the Last Warning Shot
Dispatchers are vital and often provide the way to safety for victims. 911 dispatchers can make the difference between life-or-death situations for victims. In this special chapter for dispatchers, their role in non-fatal strangulation is outlined.
Predominant Aggressor Determination Webinar
1 hour, 41 minutes, 19 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 41 minutes, 19 seconds
This webinar recording, led by two law enforcement officials, addresses the pertinence of determining the predominant aggressor when responding to domestic violence cases. It also provides practical tips and best practices for law enforcement.
Head Injuries and Strangulation Hurt Your Brain
This resource provides information on how violence to the head, neck, and face—including choking and strangulation—can have serious and long-lasting consequences to the brain. This resource is important for law enforcement working with survivors.
IACP Sexual Assault Response: Policy and Training Content Guidelines
This publication is designed to support law enforcement agencies with the creation of comprehensive sexual assault policies. It includes policy recommendations, suggestions for collaboration, and procedures.
Model Response to Sexual Violence for Prosecutors: Invitation to Lead
In this publication, AEquitas created a model approach to the prosecution of sexual assault cases and measures to evaluate current practices. Volume I is divided in two parts and is intended for policy creators and prosecutors.
Model Response to Sexual Violence for Prosecutors: Measuring Impact
This model, developed by AEquitas, explains how to prosecute sexual assault and corresponding measures to evaluate current practices. Volume II provides information on how prosecutors can develop and implement a management system for sexual violence.
Model Response to Sexual Violence for Prosecutors: Appendices
This resource, developed by AEquitas, has several practical tools to help prosecutors in the development and implementation of the RSVP model as well as guidance to help enhance the prosecution of sexual violence cases.
The Model Response to Sexual Violence for Prosecutors
1 minute, 52 seconds
Time length: 1 minute, 52 seconds
This video, created by AEquitas, provides an overview of the RSVP model for prosecuting sexual assault and introduces corresponding measures to enhance criminal responses to sexual violence.
National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits
This guide contains 35 recommendations for gathering evidence during a medical forensic exam of sexual assault, investigating sexual assault, storing, keeping, tracking, and processing evidence, as well as maintaining communication with victims.
Sexual Assault: Interviewing Skills
Victims of sexual assault often share over time. The interview process could cause victims further trauma. This is why trauma-informed approaches are the most effective way for victims to share. These tools can help investigators delve deeper.
Toolkit for Sexual Assault Investigators
This toolkit provides a full set of tools addressing multiple topics for sexual assault investigators. These tools will help investigators learn more about the dynamics of sexual assault cases and best practices for victim communication.
What Law Enforcement Officers Need to Know about Human Trafficking
After completing this training, law enforcement officers will be able to understand the facts about trafficking, identify dynamics of trafficking, use new skills for interviewing suspects and victims, and recognize the human impact of trafficking.
An In-Depth Look at the Core Standards for SA Investigations Guide
1 hour, 3 minutes, 16 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 3 minutes, 16 seconds
This webinar addresses gaps consistently found in sexual assault investigations. The discussion points out ways that commanders, supervisors and investigators can use this guide to ensure more in-depth investigations.
The Neurobiology of Trauma Part 1
34 minutes, 55 seconds
Time length: 34 minutes, 55 seconds
This webinar provides an overview of the neurobiology of trauma, specific to sexual assault. This discussion provides insight on how the body and brain respond to trauma and implies information for improved investigation of sexual assault.
The Neurobiology of Trauma Part 2
41 minutes, 50 seconds
Time length: 41 minutes, 50 seconds
This webinar provides an overview of the neurobiology of trauma, specific to sexual assault. This discussion provides insight on how the body and brain respond to trauma and implies information for improved investigation of sexual assault.
The Neurobiology of Trauma Part 3
30 minutes
Time length: 30 minutes
This webinar provides an overview of the neurobiology of trauma, specific to sexual assault. This discussion provides insight on how the body and brain respond to trauma and implies information for improved investigation of sexual assault.
Improving Investigations: Assessing Agency Response to Sexual Violence
1 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
This webinar discusses lessons from law enforcement about system response to sexual assault, evidence management, sexual offenders, and victim advocacy strategies for improving victim-centered approaches.
Core Standards for Sexual Assault Investigations
This guide offers practices and procedures that should occur during every sexual assault investigation. This information is for law enforcement investigators and supervisors to ensure the critical steps of the investigation occur.
Medical History and Law Enforcement Interviews
This online resource provides guidance on the roles and responsibilities of law enforcement as investigators and sexual assault nurse examiners. This resource also offers suggestions to keep these victim interactions separate but collaborative.
Strangulation Investigations Roll Call Training
2 hours, 5 minutes
Time length: 2 hours, 5 minutes
This online training, divided into six segments, prepares law enforcement to recognize and efficiently document the evidence of strangulation, which can lead to more successful prosecutions and increase safety for communities.
Enhancing Community Trust: Proactive Approaches to DV and SV
This toolkit has a law enforcement agency self-assessment, community assessment, sample outreach letter, action planning guide, and additional suggestions and resources to support an engaging agency response to victims of domestic & sexual violence.
Institute for Coordinated Community Response: On Demand Trainings
The ICCR partnered with national experts to provide these free, on demand trainings for law enforcement. The topics range from stalking investigations to determining predominant aggressors, and more. Each training requires a registration process.
SAKI Toolkit: Sexual Assault Investigators
This briefcase offers a full set of tools for sexual assault investigators. These tools will help investigators learn about the components of sexual assault cases, best practices for victim notification, strategies for investigation, and more.
Human Trafficking Data Collection Activities, 2023
This report by BJS details efforts during 2022 and 2023 that measure and analyze the country's occurence of human trafficking, describes characteristics of human trafficking victims and offenders, and outlines criminal justice responses.
Context is Key Webinar Recording
1 hour, 10 minutes, 15 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 10 minutes, 15 seconds
This webinar recording by SPARC gives an introduction to the crime of stalking, focusing on the definition, frequency, dynamics, behaviors and connections with other crimes, particularly intimate partner violence.
Identifying, Investigating, and Prosecuting Stalking
1 hour, 29 minutes, 19 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 29 minutes, 19 seconds
Stalking, despite its prevalence, is rarely investigated or charged. This webinar explores how service providers, including law enforcement and prosecutors, can better investigate and charge stalking as a crime.
Ending Gender Bias in the Law Enforcement Response to SA and DV
The Battered Women’s Justice Project organized a document to continue national discussion on how to incorporate guiding principles issued by the Department of Justice on the identification and prevention of gender bias in law enforcement.
Understanding Gender-Biased Policing: Police Misconduct, DV, and SA
This document details gender-biased policing, police misconduct, domestic violence, and sexual assault. This briefing outlines examples of gender-biased policing, offers ways for police to address bias, and suggests steps toward police reform.
Improving Relations with LGBTQ+ Communities: Guide for Law Enforcement
Created by the National Resource Center for Reaching Victims and FORGE, funded by the Office for Victims of Crime, this online resource is for law enforcement agencies to provide strategies to build trust with LGBTQ+ communities.
Law Enforcement Guide for Sextortion Victims
Created by the Internet Crimes Against Children, this one-page document provides an overview of the crime of sextortion and its impacts on victims, and provides a resource for law enforcement, first responders, and other criminal justice personnel.
Preventing Sexual Assault Together: The Power of Community Engagement
38 minutes, 56 seconds
Time length: 38 minutes, 56 seconds
This podcast episode, by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, discusses the process used and findings from an equity focused sexual assault community assessment process in Michigan.
911 Emergency Communications Center
Developed by Praxis International, chapter 2 of the Blueprint for Safety outlines 911 emergency communications. When this response is organized and determines who is in danger, there are many opportunities to provide a succinct response to DV calls.
Identifying the Dominant Aggressor from the Perspective of Survivors
1 hour, 38 minutes, 16 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 38 minutes, 16 seconds
This webinar, created by the Family Justice Center Alliance, provides case studies on how to identify the dominant aggressor. The presenters discuss research and resources available for family violence and sexual assault professionals.
Shielding the Victim: Litigating Rape Shield Motions
1 hour, 26 minutes, 3 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 26 minutes, 3 seconds
This presentation by AEquitas gives an overview of the history and foundation of rape shield laws and provides prosecutors with the tools to effectively litigate rape shield motions.
Confronting the Family Court Crisis
40 minutes, 22 seconds
Time length: 40 minutes, 22 seconds
This episode by the Podcast on Crimes Against Women explores the dynamics of family courts, including tactics used by domestic violence offenders within the legal system and the impact these actions have on family courts.
A Course of Exploitation: The Intersection of Stalking and Trafficking
1 hour, 30 minutes, 10 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 30 minutes, 10 seconds
This webinar, developed by AEquitas, discusses criminal justice responses to sex trafficking with co-occurring stalking, and will help law enforcement investigate and prosecute crimes of stalking and sexual exploitation.
SV Prosecution Foundations: The Trauma-Informed Prosecutor
51 minutes, 17 seconds
Time length: 51 minutes, 17 seconds
This webinar, developed by AEquitas, will help prosecutors leverage trauma-informed strategies to enhance investigations and prosecutions of sexual violence cases, conduct trauma-informed interviews, and implement trauma-informed practices.
Sexual Violence Prosecution Foundations: Collaboration is Key
1 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
This webinar, created by AEquitas, explains how collaboration with law enforcement and other key stakeholders is key to a victim-centered approach to sexual violence cases, and identifies intersections between prosecutors and law enforcement.
Introduction to the Muslim Population with Regards to DV
1 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
This webinar, by the Family Justice Center Alliance (FJCA), discusses fundamental beliefs and regulations in Islam that relate to gender, marriage, divorce, and domestic violence to dispel some of the myths surrounding Islam.
PTSD in DV – What Survivors Want You to Know
1 hour, 18 minutes, 35 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 18 minutes, 35 seconds
This webinar, orchestrated by the Family Justice Center Alliance, explores the intersection of domestic violence and PTSD. Survivors of domestic violence frequently suffer a variety of long-term impacts, also discussed in depth in this webinar.
How To Conduct the Forensic Medical Exam for a Strangled Victim of DV
1 hour, 37 minutes, 12 seconds
Time length: 1 hour, 37 minutes, 12 seconds
This training, by the Family Justice Alliance Center, covers the steps of conducting a DV forensic medical exam, use of forms, history & physical examination, forensic photography, screening for strangulation, and more.
A Roadmap to Success: Building a Co-Responder Program Announcement
This page announcement highlights the release of a LETTAC tool: a guide for law enforcement, victim advocates, and community partners wanting to implement a co-responder program to support victims of domestic violence.
A Roadmap to Success: Building a Co-Responder Program
This resource, developed by LETTAC, is a guide for law enforcement, victim advocates, and community partners wanting to implement a co-responder program to support victims of domestic violence. Website link: https://www.lettac.org/CoResponder
Core Principles of Victim-Centered and Trauma-Informed Response
This publication provides a streamlined set of promising practices from the field for first responders, evidence collection teams, investigators, supervisors, and agencies related to victim response efforts.
Dispatch and Law Enforcement Building Comprehensive Investigations
This webinar discusses challenges and opportunities specific to follow—up investigation, including how dispatch/call taker actions can positively impact the investigation and re-establishing contact after an incident often occurs.
Successful Offender Prosecution for the Dispatch Center
This webinar presents information for dispatch/call takers on how information gathered on the initial call can help establish offender status, criminal elements of crimes that occurred, and build a successful evidence-based prosecution.
Changing Culture to Address Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
Cases of violence in the homes and relationships of agency members are a reality. This webinar will present information policy, comprehensive training, effective leadership, and training to hold offenders accountable.
Firearms Relinquishment and Intimate Partner Violence
This document will help guide courts, prosecutors, law enforcement, victim advocates, probation officers, and local organizations to work together to create an effective community-wide firearm surrender protocol in cases involving DV.