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Navigating the Realties of Mental Health & Substance Use Coercion
Navigating the Complex Realties of Mental Health Coercion & Substance Use Coercion
38 minutes, 43 seconds
Publication Date: 2023
In this podcast, Gabriela Zapata-Alma leads the listener in a conversation about mental health and substance use coercion. Ms. Zapata-Alma has over 15 years of expertise supporting individuals affected by interpersonal violence. She supports survivors through evidence-based clinical, housing, resource advocacy, peer-led, harm reduction, and HIV-integrated care programs. Research shows that individuals who experience abuse have much higher risks for mental health challenges and substance use disorders. The pattern of abuse and coercive control increases these hazards for survivors, especially when the abuser uses a mental health diagnosis or substance use against the survivor. When this happens, the justice system will often revictimize the survivor. This can lead to loss of child custody or other consequences. In 2014, a study was conducted by the National Center on Domestic Violence where they studied the in-depth dangers these types of coercions cause. The listener of this podcast will take a deep dive with Ms. Zapata-Alma about how these types of coercion are delivered, their repercussions, the red flags that warn mental health and substance use coercions are occurring, and how the use of a trauma-informed lens can better harvest safety and meaningful solutions for domestic violence survivors.