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Strangulation Investigations Roll Call Training

Strangulation Investigations Roll Call Training Training/Self-Paced Learning

Agency: Institute for Coordinated Community Response (ICCR) With Conference on Crimes Against Women

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Strangulation Investigations Roll Call Training

Icon of a time indicator to show this indicates how long something takes to read or learn.2 hours, 5 minutes

Publication Date: 2023

This online training, developed by ICCR and divided into six segments, prepares law enforcement to recognize and efficiently document the evidence of strangulation, which can lead to more successful prosecutions and increase safety for communities.


Determining Primary Aggressors Documentation and Report Writing Investigations Strangulation Trauma

VAWA Crime(s):

Dating Violence Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Stalking Trafficking in Tribal Nations/Communities


Investigator/Detective Patrol Officer/Deputy