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Dispatch and Law Enforcement Building Comprehensive Investigations

Strengthening the Collaboration Webinar Series, Partnerships Matter: Dispatch and Law Enforcement Building Comprehensive Investigations

Publication Date: 2024

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This webinar, presented by a dispatch/call taker and a detective/investigator, discusses challenges and opportunities specific to follow—up investigation, including how dispatch/call taker actions can positively impact the investigation and re-establishing contact after an incident often occurs. Presenters explore strategies to build and sustain trust with victims beyond the initial call and work with victims who are reluctant to continue with the criminal justice system. Information will also be presented on strategies to strengthen dispatch/call-taker partnerships with investigators


Collaboration and Partnerships Documentation and Report Writing Investigations Strangulation Trauma

VAWA Crime(s):

Dating Violence Domestic Violence Stalking


Call Centers/Dispatch First Line Supervisor Investigator/Detective Patrol Officer/Deputy


Alaska College and University Campuses Rural Suburban Territories Tribal Nations/Tribes Urban