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Stalking Response Tips for Law Enforcement
Stalking Response Tips for Law Enforcement
15 minutes
Publication Date: 2008
The document outlines how law enforcement can help: 1. Listen closely to victims—even if what they say sounds unbelievable—and document everything they report. 2. Substantiating the crime of stalking requires building a case that establishes a course of conduct. If you do not have enough evidence based on one incident report to charge the suspect with stalking, take the time to discuss with the victim how to document and report the offending behavior so that you may build a case. 3. Investigate other reported incidents such as vandalism, burglary, and violations of protection orders to see if these behaviors establish a pattern of conduct. 4. Consult with your local prosecutor and U.S. Attorney to learn exactly what evidence you need to collect to build and charge the case. 5. If the victim is still engaging with the offender, understand this may be the best way for the victim to remain safe.