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Roll Call Training: Trauma-Informed Framework for Working with Victims

Roll Call Training: Trauma-Informed Framework for Working with Victims Training/Self-Paced Learning

Agency: Institute for Coordinated Community Response (ICCR) with Boardman Consulting

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Roll Call Training on a Trauma-Informed Framework for Working with Victims

Icon of a time indicator to show this indicates how long something takes to read or learn.35 minutes

Publication Date: 2021

Understanding trauma’s impact on the brain is vital for effectively responding to the traumatized victims we encounter every day. Without a trauma-informed framework, a first responder can unwittingly become the first link in a long chain of re-traumatizing individuals, processes, and events that victims often find themselves navigating. By recognizing the impact of trauma and helping victims of crime feel heard within the criminal justice system, we can increase the rate of success in investigating and prosecuting sexual assault and domestic violence cases. (Note: this free training is geared towards Texas law enforcement, but is useful for any for any practitioners dedicated to eradicating violence against women.)


Investigations Policy/Protocol Development Trauma

VAWA Crime(s):

Domestic Violence Sexual Assault


Call Centers/Dispatch Chief/Sheriff/Executive Civilian Staff Fire/Emergency Medical Services First Line Supervisor Investigator/Detective Other Role Patrol Officer/Deputy Prosecutor Special Victims Unit