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Identifying and Securing Funding for Victim Response Efforts

Identifying and Securing Funding for Victim Response Efforts

16 Pages

International Association of Chiefs of Police
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
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Documenting and Advancing Promising Practices in Law Enforcement Victim Support: Identifying and Securing Funding for Victim Response Efforts

Publication Date: 2023

This publication, initiated by the International Association of Chiefs of Police through an award by the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) office, states that effective victim response requires multilayered strategies to meet crime victims’ individual needs. To carry out these strategies, law enforcement agencies and their partners must identify and secure appropriate funding. Funding ensures that victim response and services are consistent, available when needed, and sustainable; by strengthening their abilities to write grant applications and manage funding, law enforcement agencies strengthen their capacities for effective victim response.


Collaboration and Partnerships Determining Primary Aggressors Documentation and Report Writing Investigations Policy/Protocol Development Serving Culturally Specific Communities Trauma

VAWA Crime(s):

Dating Violence Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Stalking Trafficking in Tribal Nations/Communities


Chief/Sheriff/Executive Investigator/Detective Patrol Officer/Deputy


Alaska College and University Campuses Rural Suburban Territories Tribal Nations/Tribes Urban