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Core Principles of Victim-Centered and Trauma-Informed Response

Identifying and Incorporating Core Principles of Victim-Centered and Trauma-Informed Response: Practices for Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2024, Quarter 4

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Agency: Community Oriented Policing Services

Author: IACP, IACP

Law enforcement personnel must be prepared to respond appropriately and supportively to persons who have experienced trauma. Victim-centered, trauma-informed approaches give law enforcement the necessary tools to provide this support. This publication, Identifying and Incorporating Core Principles of Victim-Centered and Trauma-Informed Response: Practices for Law Enforcement, provides a streamlined set of best practices from the field for first responders, evidence collection teams, investigators, supervisors, and agencies related to victim response efforts.


Collaboration and Partnerships Documentation and Report Writing Investigations Policy/Protocol Development Strangulation Trauma

VAWA Crime(s):

Dating Violence Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Stalking


First Line Supervisor Investigator/Detective Patrol Officer/Deputy Special Victims Unit